Üdv Mindenkinek!
Ubuntu 9.04-re szeretném a cups-pdf nyomtatót telepíteni. A telepítés sikeres is, és a nyomtatók között ott van a PDF nevű nyomtató. Azonban ha nyomtatni kívánok vele, akkor ugyan megjelenik a nyomtató ikon fent, és értesítést is ad, de az elkészült fájlt nem látom sehol.
Már kerestem itt:
/home//pdf mappában
/var/spool/cups-pdf/felhasználónév (ezt a mappát létrehozta, de üres )
Próbáltam elkészült fájlt keresni, de nem látom sehol.
A /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf fájl tartalma ez:
# cups-pdf.conf -- CUPS Backend Configuration (version 2.5.0, 2009-01-26)
# 18.09.2005, Volker C. Behr
# Experimentelle Physik V, Universitaet Wuerzburg
# behr@physik.uni-wuerzburg.de
# http://www.cups-pdf.de
# This code may be freely distributed as long as this header
# is preserved. Changes to the code should be clearly indicated.
# This code is distributed under the GPL.
# (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
# For more detailed licensing information see cups-pdf.c in the
# corresponding version number.
# #
# This is the configuration file for CUPS-PDF. Values that are not set in #
# here will use the defaults. Changes take effect immediately without the #
# need for restarting any services. #
# #
# Take care not to add whitespaces at the end of a line! #
# #
# #
# Path Settings #
# #
### Key: Out
## CUPS-PDF output directory
## special qualifiers:
## ${HOME} will be expanded to the user's home directory
## ${USER} will be expanded to the user name
## in case it is an NFS export make sure it is exported without
## root_squash!
### Default: /var/spool/cups-pdf/${USER}
#Out /var/spool/cups-pdf/${USER}
### Key: AnonDirName
## ABSOLUTE path for anonymously created PDF files
## if anonymous access is disabled this setting has no effect
### Default: /var/spool/cups-pdf/ANONYMOUS
#AnonDirName /var/spool/cups-pdf/ANONYMOUS
### Key: Spool
## CUPS-PDF spool directory - make sure there is no user 'SPOOL' on your
## system or change the path
### Default: /var/spool/cups-pdf/SPOOL
#Spool /var/spool/cups-pdf/SPOOL
# #
# Filename Settings #
# #
### Key: Truncate
## truncate long filenames to a maximum of characters
## this does not consider the full path to the output but only the filename
## without the .pdf-extension or a job-id prefix (see 'Label')
## the minimal value is 8
### Default: 64
#Truncate 64
### Key: Cut
## removing file name extensions before appending .pdf to output
## extensions will only be removed if _both_ the following criteria are met:
## - the extension (w/o the dot) is not longer than characters
## - the remaining filename has a minimal length of 1 character
## set Cut to -1 in order to disable cutting
## recommended values: pure UNIX environment : -1
## mixed environments : 3
### Default: 3
#Cut 3
### Key: Label
## label all jobs with a unique job-id in order to avoid overwriting old
## files in case new ones with identical names are created; always true for
## untitled documents
## 0: label untitled documents only, 1: label all documents
### Default: 0
#Label 0
Tanácstalan vagyok, már a talált leírásokat végignéztem, de nem megy. Egyszer pedig már 8.10 alatt sikerült beüzemelni régebben.
Minden segítséget köszönök előre is!