Nemreg tettem fel a 8.10-es verziot. A baj (eddig) az, hogy mikor nvidia-settingsben megprobalom elmenteni a kivalasztott ertekeket, akkor (felteve, a konzolbol inditom sudo-val - grafikus feluleten siman kilep) "Szegmens hiba" felirattal elszall, es persze az beallitasok sem mentodnek le. A kerdes, hogy tapasztalt-e valaki hasonlot, es ha igen mi a megoldasa? Illetve, melyik fajlt szerkeszti ez a prgram - lehet, hogy manualisan egyszerubb lenne atirni.
Elore is koszonom.
A megoldas itt talalhato:
" Re: 8.10: nvidia-settings segmentation fault
I found a solution that seems to work.
I renamed my xorg.conf file to something radically different: xorg_conf_backup.txt
Then, when I had nvidia-settings save to xorg file, it asked where it was. I just pointed it to the same location (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) and had it make a new one. That seemed to make it stick. It seems unhappy in having to deal with existing xorg files"